Clarion ForeWord Reviews, 4 Stars. "Expressive descriptions and heart-wrenching exchanges make Simon’s Mansion a raw LGBTQ+ novel." ~Eileen Gonzalez

Clarion ForeWord Reviews Simon's Mansion Clarion Rating: 4 out of 5 Expressive descriptions and heart-wrenching exchanges make Simon’s Mansion a raw LGBTQ+ novel. Past mistakes haunt a recovering drug addict in William Poe’s intense novel Simon’s Mansion . After surviving a religious cult and cocaine addiction, all Simon wants to do is move back to the small town where he grew up and become an artist. He and his boyfriend Thad are in love, but Thad proves unhappy in Simon’s South. When Thad disappears, Simon fears that his unsavory past has come back to haunt him. He battles the twin temptations posed by cocaine and a beautiful ballet dancer and confronts old demons to rescue Thad. The story begins in Simon’s childhood, exploring the traumas he suffered and laying the groundwork for the poor but understandable choices he makes as an adult. The bulk of it occurs after Simon’s return to his childhood home, where interpersonal interactions crackle with ten...